Girls Ranch

Girls Ranch Scottsdale:
Girls Ranch provides a safe, stable, and nurturing environment for girls and young women (ages 0-21) who cannot live at home or need safe shelter, a supportive environment, and a place to heal, including those that are pregnant or parenting. The licensed 15-bed community-based group home offers 24-hour supervision with private rooms and shared common areas for group activities and recreation. Residents attend school in the community, participate in community events, volunteer, and if appropriate, are encouraged to seek employment. Young mothers have the opportunity to live with their children and, with the support of Girls Ranch staff, develop hands-on parenting skills.

Girls Ranch Phoenix:
Girls Ranch provides a safe, stable, and nurturing environment for LGBTQIA + Youth (ages 12-17) who cannot live at home or need safe shelter, a supportive environment, and a place to heal. The licensed 10-bed community-based group home offers 24-hour supervision with private rooms and shared common areas for group activities and recreation. Residents attend school in the community, participate in community events, volunteer, and if appropriate, are encouraged to seek employment. Girls Ranch staff help youth identify a sense of identity and acceptance for themselves.